Friday, June 26, 2009

The Indoor Picnic Surprise

I made a trip to College Station on monday, it was a great day of being at the pool with friends and watching Cody become the star of a softball game. Which is two of my favorite things.. the pool and watching Cody (he is so good!) but not until tuesday do things get interesting. It started as a normal day of picking him up from class, going to the pool to play volleyball, and then go to another softball game. After the softball game I naturally began to get hungry. If you know me, then you know that I can get "mean" when I am hungry. It's not my fault I just start to get low blood sugar and I need to eat to feel better. So I start to tell cody I need to eat. He instead calls his buddy Eddie and talks to him all the while heads over to blockbuster. I am trying to be a good girlfriend and keep the peace even though my insides are tearing apart slowly and painfully. So after much looking he decides we don't need to get anything, his buddy has the movie he wants to see. Really convienent. So he then gets back on the phone with his Eddie while I am proceding to tell him probably for the 4th time that I am hungry and need to eat. Still he thinks its better to go to the convienent store and buy a Dr.Pepper and a scratch off. He gets back int he car and then scratches it. I tell him again (byt this time it was the 6th) that I am hungry. Finally he says ok I need to stop by the apartment. I am now in my "mean" phase and I am not happy. We walk into his apartment and I find this..
His buddy Eddie, that had been talking to him for the past 30 minutes while I was trying to emphasize to Cody just how hungry I was, had been getting our dinner and setting up a picnic for me and Cody. There was a movie to watch, Olive Garden, and flowers. I immediatly felt guilty and was so excited that Cody had done such a sweet thing for me. I truly am a lucky girl :)


  1. So sweet! What a lucky girl! :o)

  2. That is really nice!!! Love is patient... Love is kind.... Love is.... feeding Lauren when she is hungry :)

  3. That's so cute!! I am the exact same way-- when I get too hungry, watch out world... I'm dangerous!
